useUploader hook for React
Allows you to connect to any service that accepts CAR file uploads. Today this means Don't worry you don't have to do anything, this is the hardest part.
Once you are connected your data will be automatically replicated to Without encryption enabled (coming soon) this is public an irrevocable.
Usage Example
In App.js:
import { useFireproof } from '@fireproof/core/hooks/use-fireproof'
import { useUploader, UploaderCtx } from './hooks/useUploader'
import { KeyringProvider } from '@w3ui/react-keyring'
function App() {
const fp = useFireproof(defineIndexes, loadFixtures)
const { fetchListWithTodos, fetchAllLists } = makeQueryFunctions(fp)
// Use the useUploader hook within a KeyringProvider
const up = useUploader(fp.database)
return (
<UploaderCtx.Provider value={up}>
<FireproofCtx.Provider value={fp}>
<MyComponent />
In your components:
import { FireproofCtx } from '@fireproof/core/hooks/use-fireproof'
import { UploaderCtx, UploadManager } from './hooks/useUploader'
import { useKeyring } from '@w3ui/react-keyring'
function MyComponent() {
// Get Fireproof and Uploader contexts
const { ready, database, addSubscriber } = useContext(FireproofCtx)
const { uploaderReady } = useContext(UploaderCtx)
// Get Keyring data
const [{ agent, space }, { getProofs, loadAgent }] = useKeyring()
const registered = Boolean(space?.registered())
// Your component logic here
// ...
return (
{/* Render the UploadManager component */}
<UploadManager registered={registered} />
This example demonstrates how to use the useUploader
hook in conjunction with the useFireproof
hook. The useUploader
hook requires being inside a KeyringProvider
to work properly.
See it in action in the TodoMVC example app.